Whether clinics, retirement homes, hotels, restaurants, airports, amusement parks, etc. … All of these industries are currently required to present appropriate concepts in which they clearly show their hygiene and pandemic measures. Appropriate concepts are intended, for example, to prevent unauthorized close contacts from occurring as required, that there are bottlenecks in the disinfection process, that there are too many people in a room at the same time, that mask requirements are not met, etc. Many measures that companies and their existing staff take pose large, sometimes unsolvable tasks. Above all, however, it should be borne in mind that the customer has to give up his previously carefree habits in the usual form. Because one thing is clear: the measures extremely restrict consumers, visitors, guests, etc.

A solution that on the one hand represents security and traceability for companies, clinics, hotels, etc., and on the other hand it also represents the usual freedom and speedy procedure for consumers, visitors and guests.

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