Optimizing passenger flow as part of capacity expansion at existing terminals, this was the theme of the 8th Materna aviation forum. The event this year has taken a place at Dortmund Wambel Racecourse from 20th till 21st of November.
Around 100 participants have attended the event and were able to learn new trends and perspectives from the brilliant speakers. Many international guests and speakers have made it to Dortmund this year to attend the forum which helped for the success of the event.
The forum was rounded off by the partner exhibition and a lot of networking with customers and partners.
ModiVision was taking part of this Forum, and Mr. Dieter Klawunder the CEO of ModiVision had the chance to speak about the contribution between Materna and ModiVision on their paperless airport solution. He has talked also about the expected increase of passengers flow at airports and that we have to be ready for that.